Exploring the scales in highly deformable grain assemblies when compressed far beyond the jammed state
Emilien Azéma
Université de Montpellier, France |
From Granular Randomness to Predictive Digital Twins: Integrating Data-Driven and Coupled Models for Uncertainty Quantification
Hongyang Cheng
University of Twente, The Netherlands |
The Developments of the Energy-Conserving Contact (ECC) Theory and Contact Models for Arbitrarily Shaped Particles
Yuntian Feng
Swansea University, United Kingdom |
Particle shape effects in granular material using GPU DEM: An industry perspective
Nicolin Govender
(1) Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Johannesburg, South Africa;
(2) Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH, Graz 8010, Austria |
Bridging the gap between simulation and reality through full-field experimental data
Zeynep Karatza
National Technical University of Athens, Greece |
Grand Challenge of AI-based Virtual Experimentation using DEM, FDEM, and Hybrid Simulation Technology
Antonio Munjiza
University of Split and Croatian Academy of Science, Croatia |
Particle-based simulations of dry cohesive granular materials
Eric Parteli
Universität Duisburg-Essen, Germany
What technologies are essential in development of the DEM-based digital twin?
Mikio Sakai
University of Tokyo |